If you cannot block out the noise, you cannot succeed in what you do. After talking to a senior HR person who is struggling, I made this video yesterday about the one skill that separates success from suffering.Â
HR is cluttered and is too complicated but it shouldn't be!Â
HR is a hoarder, whether it is voluntary or involuntary. The number of things they have hoarded up during the past decade is hurting them and others. And that's because they have no idea what they want, what their purpose or role is, and where they are going with their department. They just aimlessly run around. It is time to sit down and think!
Sit down now and ask yourself the questions:
What do I want to achieve in my role here, in this particular position?
What does my business need from here?Â
What do my people need and want from me here?Â
How can I make those happen here?
For this to happen HR need ONE skill they are missing. The skill to block out the noise. Every successful person or organisation have that skill in common. If you cannot block out the noise you won't ever succeed in what you do. You will continue hoarding initiatives, training programs, frameworks, ideas, systems, 3-step methods and all that HR hoards. Your business doesn't want them and guess what? Your employees don't want them. Nobody wants another solution, initiative, or intervention! You are not only confusing yourself but also the workforce.Â
So I told this HR person yesterday look, your job is not to follow others because when you do that, it means you don't know what you are doing. Your job is to figure out the four points I mentioned above and do only that.Â
You don't need to do everything others are doing because most of those things are irrelevant to your organisation. You don't need to believe your bestie when she says that you must attend networking events because that's how you learn, build connections, and get a new job. You don't need to implement wellbeing programs just because everyone is beating the same drum yet they all fail to produce any credible business results of it. You don't need to follow the old-school "best HR practices" because most don't work at all and we all know it. Your employees know it.Â
There is no such thing in HR as "this is how we do; recruitment, performance management, training etc." You must do what makes sense and not what everyone is doing. You are following everyone and every practice despite them not working, why? Why don't you say, ok, this doesn't work let me do it the way it makes sense to my business and people. If you do what everyone else does you get the same result as everyone else and let's be honest, your HR besties you are listening to are not succeeding or happy are they? You guys spend time complaining about your work and how hard your job is and you are listening to them in terms of how to do your job? Shouldn't you be listening to those who don't complain but are successful?
Successful people aren't swayed and influenced by others. They know what they want and only take things and advice that help them get to where they want to go and ignore everything else. They don't hoard information, tools, systems, best ideas, etc. They decide what they want and then make that decision right.Â
Maybe it is time to sit down and stop listening to Emma from HR who might have had the role of CHRO but was miserable in it and achieved nothing. Successful people also learn from those who are/were successful in their roles not just occupy them. Unfortunately, most HR professionals are unsuccessful in their role (for whatever reason) so the likelihood that you are learning from the wrong people is extremely high. It is time to stop looking for another best practice, solution, course, advice, or framework. You already have everything you need you just need to make it work but you can only do it if you know what you want to achieve with your HR department. It is time to stop attending another networking event where you either hear the same old things or get confused by the information overload which takes you further away from what you want to achieve.Â
HR, don't make your life harder than it should be. Sit down now and think!
PS: And that's why I don't attend most networking events because it is all about women getting together chatting about absolutely nothing, taking pictures, having a laugh, complaining about how hard things are and that's it. They never talk about actual solutions with tangible results but always about 'building a community' and 'raising awareness'. A community for whom? Lonely, single or bored women? We have a job to do because the workforce is unhappy but you are building communities for self-entertainment. Raising awareness? Lovelies we are all aware because you haven't stopped talking about stuff for decades yet we still don't have solutions. Let's get to work now!Â