The Strengths Company
Employee Experience Design Agency
Our Solutions
Case Studies & Testimonials
Online CliftonStrengths Course A-Z
The Red Flag for Managers and Leaders
The Wrong Arguments Around Remote Work
Expertise vs. Experience
But what is My Job? The Confusion that Permeates Organisations
Not Every Leader Must Must Have Influencing Skills
Symbolic, Inflated Titles & Egos
The Ridiculous Hierarchy - Where are the Experts?
Performance Issues 101
Great Leaders are Good at One Thing
Your Performance Depends on Your Ability to Think
Freedom Comes with Responsibility
The Absence of Thinking - The Corporate Sheep
The Memo Managers & Leaders Skipped
Reward Your High Performers - Performance Management
How Managers & Leaders Ruin Companies
Okay, but What is Toxic Leadership?
Incompetence as the Cause of Stress & Burnout at Work
I am Not Buying this Stress & Burned Out Story
Write Your Own User Manual
Are Your Actions False Positive?